Disaster Victim Identification – In Theory and Practice

Please note – You MUST be an IAFR member in order to be eligible to attend both the theoretical and practical sessions. Non-members are eligible to attend day 1 only (theoretical training day)

Places for the days will be EXTREMELY limited and therefore we suggest you register ASAP – you have been sent this link earlier than general release as you have expressed an interest.  If all places are not taken by the ‘early birds’ the link will be emailed to all IAFR members.

Please see below for details:

Saturday 8th August – 10am – 5pm (Defence Academy – Shrivenham) – Theoretical Training Day

This will include role of the SIM / SIO and victim recovery (for continuity of evidence from scene to ID commission), the roles and responsibilities of the Coroner and the DVI multi-disciplinary team. Mortuary procedures, documentation and welfare of the Radiographer (programme may change to incorporate as many elements as possible)

Accommodation will be provided at the DefenceAcademy itself on a full board basis. Extra nights accommodation can also be provided

Sunday 9th August – 10am – 4pm (Xograph HQ – Stonehouse – Gloucestershire) – Practical DVI Training Day

This will include practical aspects of DVI deployment and use of some the Home Office leased equipment. Elements that will also be included will include primary and secondary imaging techniques, dental imaging and image interpretation.

For those who are unable to transport themselves from Shrivenham to Stonehouse; Transport will be provided by the training team.