11th July 2020 the ANZ branch of the IAFR hosted our first online study day.
With travel restrictions halting plans for a study day in Australia, an event was able to be
organised online for a winter Saturday afternoon, facilitated by ANZ IAFR committee member
Gillian. The online platform encouraged registrants to join the discussion from Australia and
New Zealand all the way to the UK, South Africa and India! 36 registrants attended live with 7
presenters delivering 3.5 hours of knowledge, ideas and strategies around stresses faced in
medical imaging and how to manage them.
IAFR Education and Welfare Officer Paul Hunter introduced the psychological aspects of
forensic imaging, outlining the physiology of stress. From the Australian Compassion Council,
Dr Lynne Reeder described the process of emotional literacy and the Charter for Compassion.
Director of Ethical Intelligence Mark Crosweller shared his experiences with post traumatic
stress and the origins of philosophy and mythology in the journey through stress.
Chief Radiographers Gillian Tickall and Julie Tate shared their departments’ approaches to the
management of COVID-19 and staff stress at The Alfred Hospital and Royal Hobart Hospital.
ANZ IAFR Committee Member Courtney Steeles shared her knowledge of mindfulness as a
strategy to reduce the effect of stress and IAFR Committee Member and Welfare Officer
Lindsay Batty-Smith related the radiographer experience to the concept of the wounded healer.
Each presentation complemented together to emphasise the importance of education and
support in sharing experiences and strategies which the IAFR aims to strengthen among the
radiology community.
Thanks to all our presenters and to all who registered for your support and great discussion.
Special thanks to Gill Parton for your hard work bringing the presentations together and co-
ordinating a fantastic study day.