Crown Perth, Perth, Australia IAFR Committee Member Edel Doyle is presenting two talks at ASMMIRT on Forensic Radiography this year. Friday 24th March at 14:30: Imaging investigations of non-accidental injury in vulnerable persons Saturday 25th March at 11:45: I’m not a Forensic Radiographer...Am I? For more details on ASMMIRT please visit their website here.

European Congress of Radiology 2018

Austria Center, Vienna There is a dedicated Forensic Imaging session including talks by two IAFR committee members and previous guests at IAFR study days: Forensic imaging   Chairpersons' introduction (5') J. McNulty; Dublin/IE Session objectives: 1. To provide insights into the role of imaging, and radiographers, in forensic imaging and mass fatality incidents. 2. To appreciate the […]

AAFS Annual Scientific Meeting

Forensic Radiography Workshop in the AAFS Annual Scientific Meeting W24 - Forensic Postmortem Radiology: Crossing the Border Between Radiology and Pathology 09:00 - 09:30 Jeroen Kroll: Acquiring post mortem CT scans tips and tricks; a radiographer's perspective Location: Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, California, USA

ISFRI & IAFR Online Congress 2021


10th Annual Congress of the International Society of Forensic Radiology and Imaging 16th Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Radiographers The ISFRI & IAFR Congress is held online this year due the COVID19 situation. More detailed information about the congress and registration via the links below. Congress fees Early bird from March 3rd to […]

700PLN – 1150PLN

ISRRT 2021: Forensic Radiography Workshop


The IAFR is organising a Forensic Radiography Workshop during the ISRRT 2021 Congress. The programme and registration links are below. (All times below are referring the Irish time zone – GMT+1.) 9.00 Welcome (IAFR Chair) 9.15 The pathologist’s perspective on post-mortem CT (Dr. Linda Mulligan) 9.35 Setting up a coronial-led post-mortem CT (PMCT) service (Amy-Lee […]


ISFRI: 11th Congress of International Society of Forensic Radiology and Imaging


May 12th - 14th The ISFRI Board would like to announce that the registration for the 2022 ISFRI/IAFR Joint Congress is still open! Please note, due to the continued COVID concerns in Japan, the meeting will be in person in Japan but virtual for all international attendees.   Lecture programs include: Gil Brogdon Honorary Lecture: […]

ISFRI & IAFR 2023 Congress

The joined 12th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Forensic Radiology and Imaging (ISFRI) and the 18th Anniversary Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Radiographers (IAFR) will take place at the Palladia hotel in Toulouse, France May 25th - 27th 2023. The joint ISFRI and IAFR annual meeting is an amazing opportunity to learn the […]

SORSA 2023 Congress

The SORSA 2023 Congress is held in association with ISMRT from 18 to 19 August 2023 at the Century City Conference Centre (CCCC) in Cape Town, South Africa. The theme for this congress, ‘Radiography- a new dawn’, will cater for all disciplines of radiography, exposing delegates to the latest technological advances and the most informative and […]

ISFRI 2024

We are proud to announce that ISFRI 2024 Conference will be under the Honorary Patronage of the Vice-Rector of the Jagiellonian University for Collegium Medicum. ISFRI Member 1800-2500 PLN IAFR Member 800-1100 PLN Non-member 2000-2700 PLN Student 300-1000 PLN The fee is in PLN and includes the credit card transaction surcharges. In the case of bank transfer […]